To Do list for 12/7


Learning Objectives::.

  • I know what Tonal and Color Contrast is in an image.
  • I can critique the work of my classmates’ Fear of Leading Lines photos.


This Week’s Photo Challenge: Contrast


For this week’s photo challenge you will work to capture contrast in an image. What is contrast you ask?

Contrast is a tool that photographers use to direct viewers’ attention to their subject. There are two types: Tonal Contrast and Color Contrast. TC refers to the difference in tones from the lightest tone to the darkest tone, in other words, the difference in tones from white to gray to black.

Color Contrast we see in the image above, Tonal Contrast can be found in this image.



Notice in both images we are looking at the DIFFERENCES between colors and shades of black and white, in both images, it’s the contrast or these differences that guide the viewer on what to pay attention to.

PRACTICE – Contrast Photo due on Wednesday, 12/9

FINAL – Due on 12/11.

Uploaded to Google Classroom and added to HHS Photography.