2 thoughts on “03”

  1. Unusual POV critique: Photo 3, Period 4
    The picture does have an unusual point of view and it’s of a handicap parking sign. It’s at a level that’s down low to the ground. It does make the sign and pole look a bit different. Again the POV is down low to the ground so it’s not how we would usually see a parking sign. But the photographer did not use rule of thirds in this photo and the sign is dead center, they could’ve moved the sign over to the side a bit.
    The actual object itself is kind of blurry, like the pole and everything. they could’ve put autofocus on or kept manually using the focus ring on the camera to try to make the image sharper. So the correct part of the image is not in focus.
    The image has great lighting and is correctly exposed, so the subject is visible so no photoshop there or retake needed there for the lighting and exposure. Also the whites in this picture look good to me, I think they got the lighting, exposure, whites, and shadows great on this picture.
    This picture does look like “it could come out of a camera” because there looks to be no photoshop so that would be a no for photoshop used to highlight the object. They could’ve cropped it better to adhere to rule of thirds. but the horizontal lines are straight.
    I don’t get a specific idea from this image I don’t really get what that means so. I mean I guess it looks like it was just taken to fulfill the requirements of the assignment but who knows. My mood is neutral when looking at this picture if I had to describe my mood right now as I’m looking at this photo.


  2. I really like how you took the photo from the ground and looked up as if we see from the ground at that level. It’s an unusual point of view and I really like how you got up close so you could see the details on the sign and so you can really see the color of not just the sing but of the sky a well. I like this photo the only thing I would say is next time try to focus the photo more because the sign and the pole have a blur to them. I also really like how you didn’t over expose your photo and it has a natural look to the color and everything. I like how you chose something that I don’t think most people would have thought of to take a picture of. It’s a really simple yet nice photo that was taken pretty good. If you would have just focused the camera a bit more than you would have had it perfect but all around I really like this photo and think it’s a really cool unusual point of view for us to look at. Focusing the camera would have just pop the photo a little bit more.


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